Best Three Easy-Access caves in Laguna Beach


My family and I have spent a ton of time exploring the hidden caves and coves of laguna beach. Our best days don’t always include photography, but just a laidback lifestyle of exploration and discovery. Laguna is picturesque and as a photographer I am drawn to shoot portraits there, but letting my kids explore has been a family outing from the start, and I would love to share the top three Laguna Caves that accessible and easy to find.

Fair warning, it is always important to be aware of tides and surf. I usually check Surfline before we head out on an adventure to make sure the tide wont be too high, or the surf too strong. Secondly, we are always mindful when we get there that the ocean might not have been ready for us to enter a cave, despite what the surf prediction says. Often times caves change due to the sand levels and seasons. Some sandy bottom caves can be rocky and hard to navigate on days you wouldn’t expect.

So here are my top three caves that I think you would love, best for exploring and having fun as a family. (in no particular order)

Number One- Thousand Steps

You will have to prepare yourself for a bit of a hike, after parking on PCH, head down the “thousand steps” I have counted around 200, and once you are at the bottom of the stairs, walk to your left as you look at the ocean. This cave is extremely important to pay attention to tides. At a high tide, you won’t be able to access this cave. Also, the photos above are taken at the cave as it is full of sand. Often times there are big boulders you need to walk on, and possibly pools of ocean water to wade through. In the end, so worth getting wet! This last photo taken by my good friend Michelle Nicoloff, shows the back entrance to this cave.


Number Two- Fishermans Cove

Fishermans cove is one of the easiest places to launch a paddle board in laguna beach, and just before i head out in the water, I am sure to head to the left and see if my cave is open for exploring. When the tide is just right, and your eyes adjust, you might find a small piece of sea glass washed up against the walls. even once, i found a scrawny baby seal, who was later picked up by the Pacific Marine Mammal rescue. This cave is not only easy to find, there is meter parking at the top of the stairs, and the walk down is quick and easy. These photos, both of me by Michelle Nicoloff are nine months pregnant, then two years later with Kellen.


Number Three- Pearl or Agate street in Laguna Beach

On the other side of woods cove is a beach that can signal the end of a long walk from main beach. There is a darling arch that can often be walked through distracting you from a small cave hidden into the walls of the rocks. This cave can only be accessed when the sand is washed away. I wish I could tell you the pattern of this sand movement, but I haven’t been able to figure it out myself. The photo to the left of me and kellen shows the caves to the left filling up with water. the photo to the right with naked kellen walking with Michelle’s kids, shows you how rocky it can be when the sand washes away.

Did i mention your favorite cave? My Best caves are not even in Laguna Beach, but near. Next cave secrets revealed will be of dana point, or newport coast, what do you prefer?


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